What is the 40-50 Year Recertification Process in Miami-Dade County?

Miami-Dade County requires that all buildings that have been in operation for at least 40 years must undergo a recertification process by the building official. This is to ensure that structures are safe for use and occupancy, as per Section 8-11 (f) (ii) of the Miami-Dade County Code. The first recertification is mandatory when the building turns 30 and every 10 years thereafter. Condominiums of three floors or more must be recertified when the building turns 25 and every 10 years after that.

The recertification will take place on the anniversary of the certificate of occupancy of the original building. The recertification process is a comprehensive review of the building's structural integrity, fire safety, and other safety features. The building official will inspect the building and review all relevant documents, such as plans, permits, and certificates of occupancy. If any deficiencies are found, they must be corrected before the building can be recertified. Once all deficiencies have been addressed, the building official will issue a new certificate of occupancy. Recertification is an essential part of maintaining a safe and secure environment in Miami-Dade County.

It guarantees that buildings are up to code and safe for use and occupancy. If you own a building that is 40 years old or older, it is important to make sure that it is recertified on time to avoid any potential safety issues.